Day 14: Maxillofacial Activity

Post-Op Appointment

Today I saw Dr. Tocchio. Everything is looking great. My incisions are all healed and my bite is perfect. My swelling is almost all gone. They showed me how to remove and replace my elastics. I’m allowed to remove my elastics to eat, brush and do exercises for up to 2 hours a day. I’m using a stop-watch so that I don’t lose a precious second of that glorious time.



I’m able to smile much wider today. It’s amazing the progress from one day to the next. Using a straw and laughing and smiling a lot have really helped.

Photo on 2013-03-19 at 17.52 #2

And below shows how wide I can open my teeth right now. This will probably improve dramatically tomorrow because I exercised a lot today. I still can’t fit a baby toothbrush into my mouth and can’t use a spoon. When I walk around without my elastics my bottom teeth rattle against the top. This doesn’t hurt but you can hear it. This will go away soon when my muscles regain strength.

Photo on 2013-03-19 at 17.57


Here is the elastic configuration I’m going to wear for the next two weeks. There are only two elastics now, so there’s a lot less pressure! I can open my mouth a couple millimeters with these elastics. I still feel very banded shut while I’m wearing them.



My speech becomes clearer every day. At this p0int I can answer the phone and go shopping and talk without having to repeat myself, although it’s obvious that my teeth are banded shut.

Liquid Diet

My surgeon has given me the go-ahead to start eating soft foods like eggs and pasta. However, I can’t even fit a pea through my teeth right now so that’s a little ambitious. He said “Whatever you can fit in there!” I started by eating a lightly blended split-pea soup. Let me tell you, there were peas everywhere, it was a bit overwhelming and I almost choked twice. But it was freaking delicious. I haven’t been very hungry for two weeks (in fact I had to take Gravol to stomach some liquid meals). But as soon as those solid peas hit my mouth I was suddenly starving! Tonight I’m making a cookie milkshake and I can’t wait for that. Every day I’ll challenge myself a little bit and I bet by the end of the week I’ll be eating eggs.

Pain & Discomfort

My pain is completely managed with Dermetol [Edit: Demerol. It must be working.] and Advil. I have to take one or the other every 5 hours. If I wait too long, the pain gets a bit much. The pain is around the incision sites and in my chin. My chin has actually become the most painful part of my face. I feel like I have a permanent charliehorse in my chin. It feels like my chin is straining upwards, it’s extremely painful. I can’t massage this pain away and ice and heat only aggravate it. I’m not sure why because they didn’t move my chin during surgery. It must be a good sign, because some people feel no sensation at all for weeks or months.

Sleep Quality

I’ve been sleeping like a baby for a couple of days now. Last night I slept 8 hours straight, the longest stretch without waking up in pain. It was amazing. My nose is not as congested as last week. I still clean it regularly using a flashlight and Q-tips. Sounds gross but it’s necessary to breathe. I also use the Breathe Right Strip during the night, but don’t need them during the day anymore. I’ve seen so much progress in my healing since I started sleeping more.


I’ve been doing a lot of it. Not bad crying, just very emotional, happy or whatever. I think my balance is off and I’m very fragile right now and it doesn’t take more than a video of a puppy or a baby to set me off. I’m not surprised considering the medication I’m on and what my body has been through physically.

That’s all for now! My next post-op is in two weeks and my surgeon will tell me to start eating a normal diet at that point. How fast the time flies! Soon this will all be a distant memory.

9 thoughts on “Day 14: Maxillofacial Activity

  1. You are improving better than me. My mouth around my incisions are still very sore. I can’t even smile or open up like you. What exercises were you doing.

    Ps you are so lucky. My bands are in the shape of a box and extend to my back teeth so it’s so hard to take off and on. At least yours is in the front.
    I don’t even want to take mine off lololo

  2. I’m sure things will turn around quickly for you very soon. The exercises I was told to do is to make a kiss with my lips and then smile as wide as I can and repeat that as often as possible. Did he tell you to start eating soft foods this week?

    • Ok he told me those but my stitches hurt so I stop. I will try to do it more.

      Yah I can eat eggs and Greek yogurt. But my elastics are really hard to put back on so I’m just going to stick to liquid until my lip heals some more so I can access the back brackets

  3. Hi There,

    Just wanted to take a second to say how glad I am to have found your blog! I am having double jaw surgery with Dr. Tocchio in June and reading your blog in real time makes me feel like I’m kind of going through the process with you (if that makes sense) and makes me feel a little less terrified about my upcoming experience!

    Its really encouraging to see how fast you are improving too! I’m so terrified but seeing what a difference two weeks has made for you so far is so encouraging.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Sia, so glad you find this blog useful! It is very scary leading up to the surgery, but the first two weeks fly by and Dr. Tocchio is amazing at what he does. So far my recovery is much faster than what I’ve read out there and Dr. Tocchio’s time-frames for recovery were bang-on. The man knows what he’s doing. You’re in good hands. Please feel free to contact me if you ave any questions!

  4. Hi im karla and 15 and i also got a double jaw surgery ,you look really good im bearly going to get the rubberbands and im afraid is going to hurt:( i wanted to ask you if your facefelt itchy cus mine does and idk if it normal.

    • Hi Karla,

      You’re very brave to have had this surgery! Yes, it felt it by and sometimes it tickled. My surgeon told me it was normal, but you should call your surgeon’s office and ask, just to be sure it’s not infection! Have a great recovery!

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